Friday, February 28, 2020

Business Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Cultures - Essay Example These beliefs and expectations produce norms that powerfully shape the behaviour of individuals and groups within the organization† (Schwartz and Davis 33).2 From an employee’s standpoint it would simply be â€Å"the way we see and do things around here.†3 In 1985, noted writer Charles Handy, in his book Understanding Organizations, drew inspiration from Roger Harrison’s (1972) work to link organizational structure to business culture and elucidated Harrison’s four types of business cultures. This culture is centered around a strong leader, who wields all the power and influences the company culture with his personality. For example, Jack Welch (former CEO of General Electric) and Rupert Murdoch (News Corporation). At times businesses are dominated by the owner/founder, for example, Michael O’Leary (Ryanair) and Richard Branson (Virgin). Its structure is usually represented by a web. Dramatic changes can be made to make the business successful as the leader has no opposition. Fair and firm leaders distribute resources equally and are generous to loyalists. As there is no need for consultation and few rules, quick decision making is possible helping businesses react fast to fluid market situations. Fear rules, and there is abuse of power and political intrigue. As only one individual is making decisions, he could make an error in judgment affecting the organization’s success. There is low motivation, high turnover, and poor loyalty among staff, who feel undervalued because of the prevalent inequality. Subordinates work to patronizing their managers to get rewarded. The second level of management is underdeveloped since powers are not delegated. The web can break if the organization becomes too complex and big. In role culture (previously termed â€Å"bureaucracy†), businesses are split into various functions, and every individual has predetermined roles, with a clear reward system. Usually found in large hierarchical organizations with

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How successful has Putin been in protecting Russias security, Essay

How successful has Putin been in protecting Russias security, maintaining its influence and creating an international climate favourable for its economic devel - Essay Example We talk about the nature of policy which the Russian government has put forward and which talks about two key issues. Firstly it tries to look at Russia’s response to the events of 9/11 and it talks whether it was a turning point in their development of policies and secondly the paper addresses whether the foreign policy put forward by Putin is pragmatic in nature. September 11 2001 changed the face of world politics as so was Russia’s policies with other countries. During the time of Yeltsin and even the pre 9/11 reign of Putin the foreign policies was strikingly different of what it was portrayed after 9/11. There were signals of friendship and protests at the same time. Protests over expansion of NATO and military action in Balkans showcase the stance of Russian policy. After 9/11 the scenario completely changed, terrorism has become the highest priority for all the western nations and Russia was no exception, Moscow subway bombings and Terror tragedy at Beslan confirmed the priority levels which Russia has for terrorism. After 9/11 happened it was Putin who first contacted Washington and thereafter it was ensured that contact with Washington remained at good level. When we compare the policies post 9/11 and before it we can see some marked changes in it. We can say that Moscow under Yeltsin was more of action than words. The 1997 and 1999 incidents of Bosnia led to the confirmation of fact that Russia under Yeltsin has self limiting quality. On the other hand Putin followed a cautious policy which did no good for the country as there was no clear orientations of the plan and that people were confused about his policies structure and its nature. But the events post September brought out a change in his style and approach towards west in general and USA in particular. His policy of cooperation can be said as the changes taking place in the international environment. Russia support to America on global